Why is it important to manage your data?

 In Data management

Today, data is as important as it was gold a few centuries ago or oil a decade ago.

According to IBM, every day 2.5 quintillion bytes are generated in data. This includes the information that is shared on the Internet, the use we give to our mobile devices or the transactions we do on platforms of public and private entities.

According to the portal domo.com, every minute that passes, the 3.7 billion people with Internet access:

  • Send more than 200 million emails
  • Make 3 million queries to Google
  • Send 15 million text messages
  • Upload 833 thousand files to Dropbox
  • Use 2 million GB of data on the internet (only in the United States)

There is as much information as computers and people that exist in a company.

With this amount of data produced per day, companies do not know what to do with their databases, or how to interact with these records. The challenge becomes when they need to know how to use all this information.

A company can store up to 10 data of one person per day. That means thousands of data from their internal and external audiences and from suppliers. However, even though these databases are fed every day with new customers, it is probable that they are not being updated. A company ends up with a huge database that they don´t know if it is updated and with a big amount of information that they don´t not know what to do with it.

Customers are demanding that brands treat them and make them feel like unique customers, in a globalized world.

Why is it so valuable to manage your data?

According to minitic.gov.co “managing a database is a set of tools that allows you to collect, store, manage, extract and analyze information from various target audiences and develop actions to convert them into customers.” Using data analysis, new services can be offered or improved. It is possible to take more accurate decisions based on a better understanding of the reality. Real smart cities are created where the citizens, the state and the companies can take informed decisions, and allow the creation of new innovative businesses. That is why it is so valuable for companies to manage all their data.

A tool to manage your data.

At Incontacto, we have developed Bricks, an interaction platform that allows you to build, communicate and manage all your information. With this tool you can:

  • Consolidate your databases
  • Generate more flexible communication channels
  • Centralize all the information of your target audience
  • Be in constant interaction with your users

Advantages of using Bricks:

  1. All your information is centralized
  2. Create and customize your own forms
  3. You don´t need to be an engineer or programming expert
  4. You can perform mailing campaigns from the platform
  5. Save time and reduce operating costs
  6. Have traceability of each record
  7. Integrate your forms with payment platforms
  8. Access to statistics in real time
  9. Edit and update your contacts from the platform
  10. Segment your target audience and contact them from different communication channels
  11. Customize your landing page and create a unique event
  12. Manage several forms with the same user

f you want to know more about this tool and how to manage your databases, you can enter https://goo.gl/D85YSz

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